Héctor Miranda G.

From a young age, I was captivated by the sheer magic of computers, and today, as a software developer, my objective is to make that magic a reality. I started my journey in the coding world when I was in junior high, and by high school, I was more interested in coding than listening to my professors during class. Throughout my career, I've always recognized the importance of teamwork, and I believe that it takes a collective effort to develop truly great projects. I enjoy finding the unique skills of each teammate and leveraging them to create innovative software solutions. I am committed to creating innovative tools that can have a significant impact on industries like aerospace and finance. With a deep appreciation for the power of technology and a commitment to collaboration, I'm excited to continue exploring the endless possibilities that the world of software development has to offer.

My Work


Personal project involving the development of financial indicators and applying them on evolving neural networks for trading stocks and options. Achieved significant returns on simulations, averaging 20-35% returns per month. Currently migrating to the Uber Research team PyTorch-NEAT library and bindings with C++ for better performance.

NLP Search Engine

worked for a private project, where I developed the main search engine of the platform. Used weaviate as the vector database, to store data objects and embeddings. Applied Built-in vector-search tools and integrated the generative search with OpenAI API.

Cross Road Simulation

3D simulation of a cross road for multi-agent systems with computational graphics course. Objective was to develop an intelligent traffic light to reduce time in traffic and power optimize consumption of drivers. Used Python tools for analyzing the data and AI genetic algorithms to automate driver agents.


Developed a therapeutic and learning platform and video game for the Percussive Arts Society. The project included a game for following rhythms and an online platform for tracking user progress. Stood out for its mechanics, animations, and visual design.


Developed a lexical analyzer and small IDE for a programming language called "HPC". Used state machines and implemented bindings between C++ and python.


Tool for parsing, processing, and translating syntax for a matrix operations-focused programming language. Implemented on Java and a module named "Py4J" to bridge the ANTLR output token's and apply changes on a developed IDE.


App programmed on Swift, for the Tec de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe cybersecurity HUB, allowing users to book spaces and materials. Won first place in a competition among various teams in the three Mexico City metropolitan area campuses.


Been collabating for three semesters with Tec de Monterrey and some professors, in the development of an Augmented Reality game, for highschool students, so they can learn on a more interactive way.

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